Practical workwit based on research and law - served with a twinkle in the eye.

Welcome to Theworkwits with Marianne Haaland

How we feel at work affects the rest of our lives. And life influences work. Yet, we know too little about the things that shape our workdays. Moreover, I believe it's an advantage to not just know about rights and obligations at work - but knowledge about the body and mind as well to make the most out of your work(life)

- together, these form "Theworkwits," I believe some workwits can improve your worklife.

I have extensive experience as a labor law attorney. I'm also passionate about making knowledge about the working world more accessible to everyone, so I run the "Theworkwits" account.

My purpose is to share my best advice for increasing well-being at work. I aim to inspire and show different possibilities for improving our work lives and finding solutions to challenging situations. I have personally experienced falling out of the workforce due to serious illness, giving me a unique perspective on what can work from both the employer's and employee's points of view.

There are many ways to navigate difficult situations. With knowledge of processes, some workwits, and understanding why we react as we do, we can increase motivation, reduce conflicts, and decrease sick leave at work.

TheWorkWits on SoMe

You can get my best tips and tricks on social media.

You can find me here:

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